You’re probably wondering
What services do you offer and what does this cost?
Emily utilizes Temperament and the Arno Profile System as well as Trauma Resiliency Protocol, Emotions Management Process, and Prepare/Enrich (premarital/marriage) along with the Bible to offer guidance and deliverance to Individuals, couples, and small groups.
What is Temperament and the Arno Profile System?
God created you to interact with the world in a unique way. We call this your temperament. We measure this with an assessment called the Arno Profile system. This is a web-based assessment tool which provides valuable information for you and your pastoral counselor about how you were created, and can help bring understanding to patterns of thought and behavior.
What is Trauma Resiliency Protocol?
Also known as TRP, this systemic, guided visualization allows your brain to work the way God intended it to by enabling the client to break the bondage of traumatic or problematic memories that trigger them into negative emotions. With this non-clinical process, the client DOES NOT share details of their traumatic experience with the counselor, making it much different than many other approaches.
What is Emotions Management Process?
Also known as EMP, this process is often used in conjunction with TRP to address any lingering negative emotions, but it can also be used independently. It is a guided visualization, addressing all experiences of a particular negative emotion across the life of the client.
What is Prepare/Enrich?
Prepare/Enrich is a program designed for engaged and married couples to provide insight into the strengths and growth areas within their relationship. This program uses a web based assessment which provides a comprehensive report and program to work through with your counselor. Research shows that using this program as your premarital counseling reduces your risk of divorce by 30%
How much does this cost?
We work with a sliding scale and ask that you choose a fee that fits into your budget. Our suggested scale is below, however every family, budget looks different. You will receive a fee agreement in your intake forms where you will indicate what you are able to pay.
Sliding fee scale per 50 minute session:
Household income over $80K: $135
Household income of $60, – $79K: $115
Household income of $40 – 59K: $95
Household income of $20- 39K: $75
Household income of Up to 19,999 : $55
Do you bill insurance?
No. We are Pastoral Counselors, not state licensed therapists. Generally, we are not eligible for insurance payment. You are welcome to submit an insurance claim independently if you so choose.
Can I get an invoice for my purchase?
Yes, you can. Please let your counselor know that you desire to receive an invoice.